Ever launch a shuttle?

Olli Autonomous Shuttle

Better than Space Camp.

Unless you’re one of those cool nerds over at NASA, it’s not very often that you get to launch a shuttle but that’s exactly what we did last summer. But we also launched the World's First Autonomous Website. We felt like if Olli was autonomous than the online presence should follow suit. If you visited, Olli would offer to navigate you around the website. Luddites could just as easily choose to browse the old-school way.

The World's First Autonomous Website:

Early-adopters who met Olli had the chance to earn their very own DriverLESS License by taking a tongue-in-cheek written exam and by passing the road test. As you can imagine, the pass rate was pretty high since all anyone had to do was sit down, relax and let Olli do the driving.


Not every part of the campaign was some fancy, schmancy digital deal. We had the pleasure of using traditional media to support our efforts as well. Introducing Olli on an intellectual level befit a cognitive shuttle.

Branding for Olli was created to reflect the approachable, cognitive technology used in the creation of Olli.

We even imagined the future of bus stops as our exhibit booth that launched at CES. 

Rather than a brand guide, we delivered an owner's manual. 


Selected Works

Olli ShuttleIntegrated

Sunshine To ShareIntegrated

Shasta PoolsIntegrated

Rally FighterIntegrated

Valley MetroBranding

Axon TaserBranding

Senita AthleticsIntegrated


Phoenix SunsIntegrated

First Things FirstIntegrated

3D-Printed CarIntegrated

Ally ArenaIntegrated



688 W 1st St #5

Tempe, AZ 85281


6327 W 85th St

Los Angeles, CA 90045


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