Moving Transit Forward.
One of our very first clients, we are proud to help Valley Metro promote cleaner air and more mass transit options across the valley. This relationship has covered just about every deliverable under the sun but it all started with a rebrand project that spans many years, across every rider touchpoint.
Our brand approach had to be able to be incorporated across many various vehicle fleets, and we worked with the VM operations team to design and implement new liveries for the lightrail, bus lines, and streetcar among others. The deployment and design covered multiple years including testing and livery painting.
There was really no end to the elements we were able to impact with the new brand design. Including the aesthetics and structural elements of the lightrail and streetcar stops and hundreds of videos and animations.
We even had the pleasure of developing a safety and conduct campaign that featured mascots with two different personalities. Then we gave them their own short-form vintage TV sitcom.
A montage of work more than seven years in the making.
Selected Works
Olli ShuttleIntegrated
Sunshine To ShareIntegrated
Shasta PoolsIntegrated
Rally FighterIntegrated
Valley MetroBranding
Axon TaserBranding
Senita AthleticsIntegrated
Phoenix SunsIntegrated
First Things FirstIntegrated
3D-Printed CarIntegrated
Is the Roof Open?Branding
Phoenix Design WeekIntegrated
Ally ArenaIntegrated
688 W 1st St #5
Tempe, AZ 85281
6327 W 85th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045