Remodeling a Pool Builder.
When we first met with Shasta, we knew instantly we could help modernize their brand and their digital marketing strategies while increasing quality leads. They had 55 years of industry experience but several key differentiators were not being adequately leveraged. So with a little love and a little smarts, we helped them have three consecutive years of record-breaking success.
We started with the Sales Kit and Presentation, designing and publishing an e-book complete with company history, gallery samples, and animations to make the sales presentation easy and customizable for any customer. Then of course we started a complete updated rebrand across all touchpoints.
Our campaign evolved into unique messaging for three groups of people: Those without a pool, those with a lesser-quality pool, and those of course with a Shasta pool. Sometimes, we even imagined if these people lived directly next door to each other.
Once we had the big stuff handled, we incorporated a new approach into pretty much everything. Our belief is that since Shasta makes pools, and pools are about having fun or relaxing — then everything we make should be equally fun or relaxing.
Selected Works
Olli ShuttleIntegrated
Sunshine To ShareIntegrated
Shasta PoolsIntegrated
Rally FighterIntegrated
Valley MetroBranding
Axon TaserBranding
Senita AthleticsIntegrated
Phoenix SunsIntegrated
First Things FirstIntegrated
3D-Printed CarIntegrated
Is the Roof Open?Branding
Phoenix Design WeekIntegrated
Ally ArenaIntegrated
688 W 1st St #5
Tempe, AZ 85281
6327 W 85th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045