For the Working Hard.
When Raise Arizona first told us about their initiative to certify and promote businesses who pay a living wage we couldn’t wait to sign up. When they then engaged us to help them develop their brand and build their website we were ecstatic. We’ve worked with Raise Arizona to develop a strong and impactful identity system, website and collateral to give them the tools they needed to recruit new business and engage the community. The best part is, our work together has just begun. We are looking forward to developing their first campaign to inform and create excitement throughout the community for those businesses who pay a living wage.
The first task was to design an emblem around which we could rally the grassroots effort. While it had to retain the personality of the community, it also had to communicate a legitimate, organized effort to affect change. Our Raise AZ badge is now found across all the materials. After deciding on a design approach, we embarked on writing informational and persuasive materials for the organization. How can it benefit business? How will it benefit the community? And why this is good for the economy.
Groundzero for the effort: Then came the fun part of building the online home for the organization. Here you can learn all about it, share the message, and if you are business - join the ranks of others who know the power of paying a living wage.
A living wage is a fairly new idea to some, so we set out to explain it to the community it would benefit, but also the businesses that we needed to recruit and the general public whose support we needed.
We wanted everything we did to communicate an optimism while conveying the issues and the answers Raise Arizona was championing.
And we created tons of inviting experiences for events and community outreach opportunities.
Selected Works
Olli ShuttleIntegrated
Sunshine To ShareIntegrated
Shasta PoolsIntegrated
Rally FighterIntegrated
Valley MetroBranding
Axon TaserBranding
Senita AthleticsIntegrated
Phoenix SunsIntegrated
First Things FirstIntegrated
3D-Printed CarIntegrated
Is the Roof Open?Branding
Phoenix Design WeekIntegrated
Ally ArenaIntegrated
688 W 1st St #5
Tempe, AZ 85281
6327 W 85th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045